Lund, Sweden

European Spallation Source

European Spallation Source (ESS) is a large scientific research facility located in Lund, Sweden. This facility comprises a central rectangular research building rising approximately 31 meters above grade, Around the perimeter of the roof, a curved cantilever truss, the soffit of which is covered with intermittent aluminium fins, forms a distinctive light and open appearance.

Lund, Sweden
Cladding pressures, structural wind loads are measured and analyzed using in 1:300 scale in wind tunnel. Snow and Ice accumulation and loadings are assessed including fins by using inhouse program for Snow and Ice Accumulation Modeling (SAM) based on Computational Fluid Dynamics simulation results and historic snow record in Lund, Sweden. Wind whistling noise as well as aeroelastic instability issues were assessed in the wind tunnel based on 1:2 scale aeroelastic model of the fins, and some recommendations were provided to prevent the fins’ vortex-induced vibration.